

What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body. This technique destroys the growth center of the hair (dermal papilla) with chemical or heat energy. After a very fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle, the hair is removed with tweezers.

Is it painful?

Some people sleep through treatment and others are more sensitive. There is minimal pain–more so discomfort–but varies from person to person. There are numbing creams available should you have a low pain tolerance.

How many treatments will I need?

Average amount of time of full permanent results is 18-24 months. However, treatment varies from person to person. You will notice a difference in the texture of your new hair growth after the first treatment. Hair grows in cycles so there’s no exact amount of time for a person, but some permanent results should be seen within 3-6mons.

Is it normal to have scabs after treatment?

Some minor scabbing, redness, and irritation may occur. This is normal. It should heal within a few days. DO NOT pick them, follow your electrologist’s instructions.

Which is the best laser or electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the only permanent method for hair removal. Laser hair removal only reduces the hair, so electrolysis treatments are best for long-term results. In addition, electrolysis is good on all skin and hair types.

What parts of the body can I get electrolysis?

Electrolysis can be used anywhere on the body, Yes.. anywhere!

What equipment do you use?

Bare No Hair, LLC uses the newest technology from Silhouet-Tone. The Evolution 7 offers high tech and up-to-date features that allow for a gentle, yet effective treatment with the least discomfort.